How to improve male aphrodisiac

We're looking for ways to many couples, on how to improve potency men are in the House. Appropriate for this, not just a fast car. Can be treated problems with potency, vitamins, hormonal drugs and folk methods.


The potency of stimulation

Power Man is broken, for the following reasons:

  • Pelvic poor blood circulation;
  • Psychological distress, fear, failure;
  • Insufficient production of male sex hormone;
  • Cramping, pelvic muscles;
  • A general fatigue, it's a stressful situation.

To deal with, in this case, you must:

  • To improve blood circulation;
  • Traffic back cell;
  • Obtaining sufficient nutrients;
  • To minimize product fast metabolism;
  • More movement, especially in the pelvic region;
  • Sexual intercourse to overcome a negative mood;
  • More sleep, less anxiety;
  • Back to normal testosterone production.

Develop potency and folk remedies such as drugs, medicinal drugs, vitamins. Also you need to know which products are promoting a good level of testosterone, by which food will enhance your blood circulation.

Medical drugs

There are several varieties of power can be divided into the drug is a gain for men:

  • Pour blood stimulating the genital area. Tools such as fast motion and it really helps. It's not literally a drug to call them – they just temporarily increase strength, and help to spend sexual intercourse.;
  • It relaxes muscles, spasms blocker, improves blood circulation and this indirectly. Achieve an erection more easily and the power is more stable. This doesn't mean what they use to abuse drugs plus cardiovascular diseases as a side effect.;
  • Vitamins
  • Hormone therapy. Two types that are used artificially produced hormones – testosterone and prostaglandins. You can get male testosterone normal sexual activity provides. Prostaglandin improves blood circulation and relaxes the muscles;
  • Diet supplements. Usually it's the manufacturer shows that these preparations are plant extracts that are used. In fact, a non-drug. Selection, to use such drugs for potency or not. Good as a helpful tool to help the advanced improvement, a general power on the background of treatment;
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes. Kindest back the power in a real way. In addition, it provides the restorative effect on all body systems.


Normal testosterone production, good and stable power required for erection of the following trace elements:

  • Vitamin E provides good blood circulation in sexual organ. It reduces swelling, important when the treatment of prostatitis, one of the main reasons is a bad power. The production of testosterone involved in the process;
  • Does vitamin C, the vessel wall is more flexible. This circulates the blood more easily. Provides prostate cancer preventing inflammation;
  • Vitamin D synthesis that takes place in the male sex hormone. Not only increases the potency, however, and sexual desire itself;
  • Diet
  • We are supplying man vitamin B. has the effect of reinforcing. That is important to maintain high testosterone levels;
  • Zinc. Testosterone is the main construction material. Without it power and principle in normal erection is not possible. Fully zinc-deficiency anemia, which leads to this disease such as prostatitis. High levels of zinc increases the vitality and activity of the seed cells;
  • Gender male organs does selenium works better. Used to treat just impotence, but also infertility.

A lot of foods that contain these vitamins and minerals:

  • Seafood;
  • Fish;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Nuts;
  • Garlic;
  • White bread;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Cabbage;
  • Orange, lemon, tangerine;
  • Onion and carrot;
  • Greens;
  • Olive oil;
  • Celery;
  • Cottage cheese and cheese.

Folk remedies

First to try to improve, power, folk remedies, learn ideas physician. Maybe, recipes, if you choose to bring do more harm than good. That will bring you or just has no effect.

Folk remedies

You can try the following methods to improve the power in the House:

  • Add two parts honey and one part Aloe the three seeds of the horse wine, parsley. Insist tool for two weeks. We drink two tablespoons once a day before meals;
  • We are adding dried fruit and cinnamon and cloves to the mix we're getting. Cook this mixture, red wine, without boiling. Drunk sex before, or every evening, every evening before dinner;
  • Breed, the consistency with water and honey jelly. A mixture of wet cheesecloth, and putting penis to the base. A compress for about ten minutes on hold, the best thing to do, twice a day. Apply every day until improving and the tool;
  • We demonstrate in the footsteps of regular mustard. This hijacker and remove, promote blood circulation in the pelvic area so that he will pour that.